How to Apply for a CCW
Unfortunately, conditions have changed. Yes, the Sheriff is still issuing and nothing has changed about the requirements or the process.
- Extreme Slowdowns. Licensing is experiencing extreme slowdowns in processing applications and renewals. The slowdown has to do with a loss of staff and COVID-19 capacity restrictions in licensing. These slowdowns will continue deep into 2021. The hope is to process every application in a timely manner. From what I have seen from licensing and leadership at the Sheriff’s Department, they are trying hard to be quick and efficient. They are doing the best they can with the staff they have and the restrictions they are under. Nobody is happy about the current wait times and licensing is trying hard to work through the backlog.
- New applicants. Apply and please be patient. Your initial appointment is going to be more than a year away. We recommend you get into their queue now and update licensing with any changes along the way. SDCGO is still confident that licensing will get on top of their backlog. They will go in order so the sooner you apply, the sooner you will get your permit. Info on how to apply is here: and the link to apply is here:
- Your Appointment Date. Any Permitium appointment dates scheduled for after April 5, 2021 ARE VALID. If there are any cancellations or openings, the Licensing team will reach out to you via email with a sooner date. Unless you hear from Licensing and are given a new appointment, you will be coming into the office on your Permitium date.
- Walk-Ins. The Sheriff’s licensing department is NOT open to walk-in traffic. You must have an appointment to conduct any business with licensing. They are NOT processing fingerprinting except for CCW applicants.
- Renewals. Submit your application via Permitium (link to Permitium is on the Sheriff’s website 90 days prior to expiration. Submit a blank sheet of paper in place of your 4-hour training certificate. Take your 4-hour training class after you submit your renewal. Your training certificate is good for 90 days due to the COVID-19 restrictions. Licensing is so inundated and understaffed, please be aware that your permit may temporarily expire. If it does, you cannot legally carry during that time. There is no mechanism for an extension. No, we cannot sue. No, they are not legally liable if something bad happens to you while you are expired and unable to carry. The Sheriff is following state law and cannot change that.
- Info Emails. Licensing uses email to contact applicants a lot. They may need to contact you for a variety of reasons (rescheduling your appointment, questions on your application, etc). Please check your spam filters and look for emails from Permitium ( ) and from licensing.
Still have questions after watching the video?
Come to one of the many CCW seminars we have each month.
Regarding CCWs, generally the Sheriff’s Department will call your employer only if they cannot verify your employment any other way. They will also call if you state in your good cause that your employer is requiring you to have a CCW for your job. You are not required to provide written permission from your employer to get a CCW unless you state that your job is requiring you to get a CCW. When you write your good cause, you must be very clear on whether or not your employer is requiring you to get a CCW.
After you have provided verification of employment (if required), if you are still asked for written authorization to carry on the job from your employer, respectfully request to submit your CCW package “as is”. We recommend that if they do have to call your employer, give them a contact who is expecting their call.
The nature of the business or occupation of the applicant is such that it is subject to personal risk and / or criminal attack, greater than the general population because: My wife and I run an online retail business. Amazon and Ebay. We ship items all over the United States. We have huge amounts inventory that we warehouse using storage units and currently a home business office. Inventory can be anything from lotions and potions, candles, toys and personal electronics, all just depending on the season. We make several trips a day from our home office to the storage unit and back to pull inventory, to process customer orders or during replenishing inventory.
The storage units are open for extended periods of time throughout the day during these activities. It would be easy for someone with criminal intent to notice our comings and goings, get a look at our set up and plan a criminal attack to bring damage or harm to my business and or myself or my wife. We have tens of thousands of dollars in merchandise we store mostly at the storage units but in our home as well.We also go all around San Diego county buying merchandise. We go to places like Bed Bath & Beyond, Walmart, Big Lots, Ross, Marshall’s, Home Goods and several more. Being an online retailer, our inventory is varied as we will shop for closeouts and discontinued items not only locally but on the web as well, buying excessive amounts of merchandise.
We will spend thousands of dollars at a time at any given location that requires several trips from store to parking lot to get loaded in our vehicle. Since the back of the truck is open one of us stays with the vehicle. We will literally buy the entire shelf of an item in stock that meets our buying criteria. We have on many occasions had individuals stop us and ask us “what we are doing, why are you buying all this”. Honestly a strange feeling. It’s easy to see what we are purchasing and how much we are purchasing. Because of the excessive quantities we buy the situation place’s us at a disadvantage and greater risk of criminal attack and possibly bodily harm.
Thank you for your consideration.
To the Carry Concealed Weapons Review Board:
I, XXXX, a 52-year-old Orthodox Jewish male, a father with a wife, two minor children and as Business Owner do hereby request a CCW permit for my protection. I am the owner of XXXXXXXX Enterprises, Inc and operate the XXXX bakery (XXXXX) in City of San Diego or more specifically, located in the XXXX area, just steps from the trolley station and backed up to the San Diego Riverbed, an area now with a large homeless and drug problem.
The last 18 months we have experienced a growing problem with aggressive homeless and drug users walking into our business at all hours of the day and evenings. As a bakery we operate basically 24 hours a day. I spend a portion of the early mornings alone in the offices (5am-8am) with no other employees or other business in the industrial park open. I have been on several occlusions face to face with these types of persons asking them to leave my business, fearful of what they might to thinking of doing for ether money, food or equipment they may steal. The San Diego Police Department has been called on a regular basis (see police report and emails to Management Company) and they recognize the issue I am facing daily, having tried to step up patrol. However, as a Sergeant on one such visit told me, “Police work is being there in minutes, when seconds count” and I need to think about my own protection.
To complicate matters, I am an Orthodox Jewish male and wear a yarmulke (skullcap) at all times. My appearance unfortunately in our day and age, automatically puts a target on my back not only when dealing with these individuals but also when walking through the College Area Friday nights and Saturdays on my family’s way to Synagogue. My family and I have been yelled at, called horrible names, threatened, had things thrown at us and once confronted face to face by people wishing us ill will. It seems that it is getting worst and bolder and I have a family to look out for.
A permit to carry a weapon is not something that I take lightly or certainly something that I thought that I would feel necessary, however in light of the experiences I have had in the past 18 months, it is something I have come to feel is a necessity for my personally wellbeing. I pray to G-d, I’m never backed into the situation where I feel the need to unholster my weapon.
Thank you for your time and consideration,
I, xxxxxxx, am a contractor & furniture maker, and I carry valuable machinery and high-end furniture with me in the course of my daily work, to various locations throughout the county.
I am always concerned that a criminal may target me to attack me, causing injury or death, in order to steal my expensive tools, materials, or the furniture I have made. My customers are both residential and commercial, and are located all throughout the county, including high-crime areas and areas with spotty cell service, so it may be impossible for me to call for help. My hours vary according to my customers’ needs, so I may work at night, or early in the morning.
My work is often part of a major remodel of a home or business which includes other workers besides myself. Many times, I have been at a job site where undocumented day laborers are employed, and valuable tools have gone missing. I am afraid that if I confront someone about having taken my tools, I am putting myself at risk of attack, injury, or death. I am often required to park far away from my job site and carry my tools and valuable materials to my work area. This also puts me at great risk for being ambushed or attacked.
I have been a shooter for over 40 years. In this time, I have held NRA certificates for teaching and Range Safety Officer, I have mentored at NRA and other shooting events, and I have taught 4H students how to shoot.
In order keep myself safe in the above-mentioned situations, I respectfully request that I be granted a concealed weapons permit.
I, xxxxxxx am a professional musician who also manages my family’s commercial real estate located at xxxxxxxx, San Diego California xxxxx.
I am in a higher risk category than the general population because my family owns commercial property in the Midway area of San Diego where my responsibilities are but not limited to general maintenance, rent collection, 24/7 alarm responses. At times I do carry cash & valuables to and from the premises. My personal music recording studio is also located on the property and I often work hard recording late into the evenings. After my late evening recording sessions, I frequently leave the studio with extremely rare and valuable guitars that can value between $3,500 to $10,000. I also transport valuable equipment such as Sennheiser wireless transmitters worth $2,500 and Wireless ear sets worth $1,200. I fear I will be attacked and killed by robbers who want to steal my equipment and/or gain access to the property I manage.
Over the years the area has increasingly become a hotbed for transients who are possibly addicted or mentally unstable resulting in far more thefts and erratic confrontations. On at least two different occasions on or about 2/2018 when I had asked people to leave the property I was confronted chest to chest in a heated verbal attack, positive that a physical confrontation was imminent and as a small stature, older male I feared for my safety and life. In another example on or around 8/2018 two young men had wandered to a back area after hours, out of element and when I asked them to leave they approached me in defiance muttering profanities, eventually throwing down cigarettes, backing up slowly before turning around, one giving hand signals before heading out. One other confrontation occurred 1/2019 when a young man tried to jump our back fence into our property running from somewhere. When I told him not to jump over and keep moving I was met with near physical confrontation until he turn and ran.
Our property is adjacent to the problematic xxxxxxx Inn where homeless and drug addicts can be found frequently. I am familiar with the use of firearms as well as the proficient in the safety rules. I take the responsibility very seriously. Because I manage and work on the property, I am asking to be granted a CCW.
The nature of my business or occupation is such that it is subject to personal risk and / or criminal attack, greater than the general population. The reason for this increased risk is that I work for a mobile therapy company which provides physical therapy services across San Diego County. I am responsible for treating patients in their places of residence across a large area of North County (my territory is Oceanside to Del Mar to Poway to Escondido) as well as providing in-service training and staff development at client assisted living facilities within my territory. Being a licensed clinician working in this setting exposes me to greater risk than the average population as I am frequently in unfamiliar areas, entering unfamiliar homes and meeting patients/families and their pets without any other personnel accompanying me. Secondarily, I am easily identifiable as a healthcare professional as my uniform consists of scrubs and my name tag, as well as the fact that I carry my work bag which contains valuables (easily in excess of $1000 value) such as medical equipment, a laptop, and protected patient information such as charts, billing information, consent forms etc. Thirdly, the nature of my job frequently requires me to be in compromised positions (kneeling on the floor, exposing my back to strangers in the home while working with the patient, moving to and from my vehicle in unfamiliar areas) from which it would be difficult to recover if something were to happen.
Finally, my primary mode of transportation is a BMW motorcycle which not only offers me little in the way of protection (no windows, door locks, etc.), but which also could unfortunately attract the wrong kind of attention and when coupled with my attire subjects me to increased risk.There are ways to attempt to negate some of the risk associated with visiting patients in their homes such as trying to always be aware of your surroundings and attempting to time your visits to minimize risk (for example when I work in high crime areas of Escondido, I will schedule those patients early in the morning as those areas seem to have less people loitering during that time)… but this cannot be done at all times. There have been many instances of home health clinicians being attacked, injured, and in rare cases even killed while attempting to care for patients in this setting. Without anyone around for support and unknown/unpredictable environments, the risk is certainly greater than that faced by the general population. This increased risk is supported by research and I have provided some as a supplement to my application.
My firearms proficiency consists of the basic handgun safety certificate, as well as semi-regular (once every month or two) recreational shooting. Additionally, I have 5 years’ experience (2005-2010) working in a locked psychiatric ward in which I frequently had to de-escalate patients and in which I was regularly trained in the prevention and management of assaultive behavior. I have worked in home health part time since 2011, and full time since 2013 with xxxxxx.
I am an engineer at in . I hold a Top Secret security clearance which allows access to information which, if lost, would cause extraordinarily grave harm to our nation’s security. While I am not at liberty to disclose my specific assignment, I can state that my employer is a provider of military aircraft and other systems. These systems and technologies are used for a wide range of missions important to our country’s defense.As an engineer, I am knowledgeable about the entire system for which I am responsible. Thus I am in possession of information about that system’s capabilities and vulnerabilities, which if lost, would be extremely damaging to our nation’s security.My own personal information and that of all of my family members was lost in data breaches at the Office of Personnel Management and Anthem health insurance in 2015 and several other breaches since then. According to media reports, foreign intelligence services are actively exploiting the information lost in those breaches, making me and my family vulnerable to those foreign intelligence services.At work I am protected by strong physical security such as secure spaces and guards. Some of my work locations are protected by armed guards. But I have no protection when away from work.I am requesting a CCW for personal protection when I am off duty and away from the security provided by my employer.
I have evidence that the nature of my occupation is subject to personal risk and or criminal attack, greater than the general population. I am an Employee of _____________ working on a variety of projects. In an Article published by FOX, _________ was named on a list of suggested terrorist targets.
I have ___years of ____________experience. For ___ years I held a _____ Clearance. Information which I still have knowledge of could cause harm to national security. I am not at liberty to disclose any specific information or assignments. My own personal background information pertaining to my Clearance’s and that of all my family members was compromised in data breaches at the Office of Personnel Management. This is also the case with recent well documented credit reporting agency breaches i.e. Equifax, Experian & TransUnion. According to media reports, foreign intelligence services are actively exploiting the information lost in those breaches, making me and my family vulnerable to those intelligence services.
Specific threats are Terrorists or any number of individuals that have protested our facilities in ________ California. While at work I am protected by physical security such as fences and armed guards, but I have no protection when away from work. I am requesting a CCW for personal protection when I am off work and away from the protection provided by my employer.
Reasons for threat can be to steal my company badge which allows access to __________ properties and Facilities. I am a _______ and have access to Digital media pertaining to the building of several types of products in various stages of manufacture as well as information regarding prior programs I had access to.
I leave for work 4-6 days a week between _________. There are many obstructions that would make it easy to ambush me for the purpose of kidnapping or to take my valuables and company badge.
The nature of my occupation is such that it is subjecting me to personal risk and criminal attack, greater than the general population because I am a Vice President and real estate loan officer of a local bank. I have worked at **bank and address redacted** since 2012. I am one of ten people with a key card and codes that allow me to access the entire bank. I typically work well past the bank’s business hours and am often the last one to leave the building. The bank is only open Monday thru Friday, but I often work Saturdays and am the only person in the building. My business card identifies me as Vice President. This puts me at extreme risk because a criminal may identify my job title and ambush me to gain access to the bank. In addition, part of my job is as a real estate loan officer where I analyze real estate and decide whether or not the bank should make a loan. This involves visiting each property to verify its location, condition, occupancy and the quality of the surrounding neighborhood. I visit properties all over Southern California and sometimes in Northern California, they are often in bad neighborhoods or remote areas, and I sometimes visit them at night.
I have been shooting pistols and rifles for over 30 years and am very experienced with firearm safety. I have taken several pistol shooting courses, shot in several United States Practical Shooting Association tactical shooting matches, and even instructed classes for new shooters on pistol safe practices and marksmanship. I spent four years as a Marine Corps officer where I qualified three times out of three as an expert marksman in both rifle and pistol. As a Marine I often carried a loaded pistol while acting as officer-of-the-day and carried one daily for six months while deployed to Afghanistan. I take firearms safety very seriously.
I am an employee of xxx, a firearms dealer in xxx San Diego
.Address: xxx
Hours: xxx
At xxx I regularly open and close the shop by myself. The procedure requires me to arm and disarm alarm codes and know the vault combinations. The ingress and egress of the building is in the rear and makes me an easy target.In addition, I transport guns and gun parts to other gun shops to facilitate transfers, maintenance and machining. I also transfer guns to many charity events. In these events I must “baby sit” the guns until it is safely returned to the gun shop. In addition to the two jobs. I have a certificate of eligibility (COE) and have had firearms training in Handgun and Rifle. Both handgun and rifle training have been done in Front Sight Firearms Training Institute in Nevada and with Active Shooter Defense School in Alpine, Ca.
I, xxxxxxxx, am employed by xxxxxxxx as a xxxxxxxx, and my work day begins at 6:30am. I have an autoimmune disorder called CIDP (Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy). CIDP is a neuropathy which has caused nerve damage and muscle loss in my feet and legs, and loss of feeling in my toes. It makes it impossible for me to run, or even walk quickly. My condition will likely not improve, but my neurologist has recommended daily walking to help maintain my current level of mobility.
Due to my condition and my work hours, I need to walk early in the morning starting at 5:30am when it is usually still dark, or barely light. I live in a remote area with dirt roads, long stretches in between houses, lots of trees and brush, and a dry creek bed. Unfortunately, these are all ideal hiding places for Ramona’s homeless population. Since crime, mental illness, and drug use are known to be prevalent among the homeless community, I feel I am at risk for being attacked, injured, or killed. Two times in my walks this year, a man has suddenly emerged from the overgrown creek bed area. I have also found several spots under trees alongside the roads where a homeless person has left their bedding and belongings.
These conditions also make my neighborhood a desirable home and hunting ground to coyotes. They have become a big problem over the past few years, with many being sighted, pets and livestock killed, and even humans threatened. They seem to be getting more and more brave. I see coyotes about every week, and I am afraid they will attack me.
It’s extremely important to my health and well-being for me to walk daily. But when I see a person loitering who doesn’t belong in our neighborhood and I don’t know their intent, or when I see coyotes prowling in the morning and evening hours, I feel threatened and I am too intimidated to continue my walk, knowing I am unable to run away if necessary, so I usually end my walk in order to avoid them. In order to keep myself safe in the above-mentioned situations, I respectfully request that I be granted a concealed weapons permit.
(Note: this applicant was instructed to provide a note from the doctor, verifying the condition & his recommendation for daily walks.)
I am requesting a CCW permit because I was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy means I am at higher risk to be the target of violent crime than the general population. Cerebral Palsy is a physical condition which limits my ability to defend myself or flee. This makes me a target to people wanting to cause harm in order to rob me. I was born with this condition and in my experience, I unfortunately attract unwanted attention so people think I am an easy target to rob or cause other bodily harm. My concern is from people who might want my valuables as well as muggers and other people that would be willing to seek harm to me when I am in public. On the street where I have lived for forty years, there has been a changing populous. I find myself being much more aware of my neighbors as the increased gang element makes me fear getting in and out of my vehicle or walking on the street in my neighborhood. I have owned a firearm for protection since I was 21. Since I still reside in this home we have lived with raids on the house next (east) to mine due to a motorcycle gang. Since that element has stayed and I still cross paths with the people that were associated with the numerous raids. From years ago. I have always felt I need to be more aware of my surroundings as people still blame my father and I for their flight to this day.
Though my years I have learned and developed a higher sense of awareness around me. Yes I do get taunted, yes I have thwarted physical threats to best I could by diverting my direction and/or not showing my intended destination.
I have feared for my life outside of my residence due to diagnosed Cerebral Palsy. For the reasons stated above, I am requesting I be granted a concealed weapons permit.
I, XXXXXX, am a single father who is employed by XXXXXXXXXX as a teacher. Since my daughter attends early morning bible study, I am out of the house by 5:30 AM every morning. Likewise, in the afternoons I tutor for XXXXXXXXX and don’t get home until 9:00 PM on most nights. I have osteoarthritis of the knee and spinal stenosis in my back. The osteoarthritis has caused severe joint wear in my knee for which I currently wear a
knee brace. Likewise, the spinal stenosis causes numbness in one or both of my legs. These two conditions make it impossible for me to run for more than a couple steps at a time. While my condition will likely not improve, my doctor has recommended daily walking to help maintain
my current level of mobility. Due to my condition and my work hours, I need to walk early in the morning (typically from 4:30 AM to 5:00 AM) and at night (typically between 9:00 PM and 10:00 PM) when it is usually still dark, or barely light. While I live within the city limits, I am surrounded by canyons and a ravine where homeless people are known to live. I have been verbally challenged on no less than three occasions by a homeless man whose incoherent muttering caused me to feel threatened enough to cut my walks short and retreat home. Since
crime, mental illness, and drug use are known to be prevalent among the homeless community, I feel I am at risk for being attacked, injured, or killed.
Additionally, coyotes are known to frequent the area and have been known to attack animals and their owners while walking. I take my dog walking with me in the mornings and at night when I get home. On March 20th, 2018, my dog and I were charged by a coyote while preparing
to go on our morning walk. Later that night we were stalked by two more coyotes. I reported the incident to the authorities (incident number XXXXXXXXXX), but they were unwilling to do anything since neither my dog nor I were actually bitten. We are stalked by coyotes on average once per week; I am afraid they will eventually attack me or my dog again. It is extremely important to my health and well-being for me to walk daily. However, knowing that I cannot run away or adequately defend myself against physical attack if a danger arises, when I see a person loitering who doesn’t belong in our neighborhood and I don’t know their intent, or when I see coyotes prowling in the morning and evening hours, I feel threatened and feel it necessary to discontinue my walk and retreat home in order to prevent the possibility of being
In addition to my need to walk early in the morning and late at night, I am an avid shooter. I have concealed carry permits for the states of Utah, Arizona, and Oregon and have carried legally and without incident in Nevada, Arizona, Utah, and Idaho. As a youth leader for my church, I taught several of my youth how to shoot, emphasizing gun safety and responsibility. In order to maintain my proficiency, I have a membership at XXXXXXXXX on XXXXXXXXX in XXXXXXXX and occasionally shoot at the XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. Since my schedule doesn’t typically allow me to go out more than once a month, I tend to bring several firearms at once; totaling several thousand dollars. Transporting that many firearms is very noticeable. The combination of my physical limitations and the number of firearms I bring make me more of a target than the average recreational shooter and, therefore, in greater need of protection. I am afraid that the combination of my need to exercise early in the morning and late at night, my transportation of expensive firearms, and my physical limitations, make me an easier target than other non-disabled people and, therefore, places me at additional risk of assault.
Additionally, I understand that the police are not required to protect me as an individual and, if I were to be attacked, it is highly unlikely that the police would be able to respond in time to stop the attack, which could easily leave me critically injured or worse, leave my daughter without a
father. Having a Concealed Weapons Permit would allow me to defend myself from attack. In order to keep myself safe in the above-mentioned situations, I respectfully request that I be granted a concealed weapons permit.
Note: For those who need a CCW for hiking/camping, in order to increase your likelihood of being successful, your good cause statement must be very thorough with details covering exactly which trails and areas where you hike and camp. You must provide proof like a log book, calendar showing your past hiking/camping trips, receipts for parking or back country permits, maps, relevant certifications, or pictures. List specifics like the type of equipment you carry and its value. Give specifics on the kinds of threats you face and what kinds of threats would make you a target (e.g. wild animals, traffickers, drug dealers/growers). We strongly recommend that if you can, emphasize something other than hiking/camping for your good cause statement. If you cannot, then please follow the above suggestions and direction.
I am requesting a CCW permit to be used for self-protection for myself, family and personal property. My wife and I frequently travel by motorcycle on remote trails throughout California and camp in desolate and isolated areas. Because we have limited space traveling by motorcycle a rifle or larger firearm is not practical in our situation.
I am making this request because we have many times been confronted by aggressive animals at our camping sites. We have also come across other persons in desolate and isolated areas that have made us feel uncomfortable for our personal safety. On several occasions, we have had items turn up missing from our campsites.
Previously I was a resident of the state of Washington and held a valid concealed carry permit from that state for more than 15 years. My Washington permit number was issued by the Aberdeen Washington Police Department, permit number XXXXXXXX.
As a former Naval Officer, avid hunter and sportsman I am very familiar with firearm safety and proper use.Thank for your time and attention to my application, I look forward to your assistance in completing my application process.
My name is XXXXXXXXXXX, I am at greater risk of harm or criminal attack because I do a lot of scouting and camping trips to scout in the county mountains prior to hunting season for hunting trips during hunting season. During these trips I have come across various wildlife, such as bobcats and mountain lions. I am a member of Hunting and Fishing clubs. On one of these trips near Julian scouting for wild boar and deer last year, I was stalked by a mountain lion. I do not know how long it was stalking me by the time I noticed it overhead. During this event I was in fear of my personal safety.
My job as a mechanic at XXXXXXXXX to fix vehicles for people gives me access to tools, information, and vehicles that criminals would want to attack me to gain access. I work late and arrive early and have access to the facility where we keep expensive tools and computer equipment and hundreds of thousands worth of vehicles. That clearly puts me in a higher risk category than the general public.
In addition, my wife and I walk our dogs at night, after work in the Tecolote Canyon Natural Park trails. On these walks we have come across stray dogs and homeless people. In one such incident about 2 months ago, we walked around a bend to find two homeless people doing drugs near a bush. We broke off eye contact and very quickly walked away as fast as possible. When we came around the bend we startled these homeless people, and we were in fear for our safety. Luckily I believe we startled them and were able to leave quick enough before they were able to react.
Five years ago I was diagnosed as diabetic. Since then I have become very active with hiking, hunting, fishing, camping and off-roading. My wife and I have joined jeep clubs and hunting clubs. We also started our own Jeep club and organize the activities. XXXXXXXXXX is the name of our club. Some of the activities and functions our Jeep club does are day trips to trails, night trips to trails, overnight trips with primitive camping, multiple overnight trips to trails. We go to Jacumba mines, Ocotillo, mud caves, Borrego springs, Big Bear and many other places. We go on many scouting and camping trails throughout the county to map trails for group jeep runs. I am in distant isolated areas that many times do not have any means of communication. Cellular phone coverage is unreliable and police response is extremely limited. I have come across undocumented people and homeless encampments on these travels. While being on one of these camps I have had people enter my campsite that made me fear for my safety so much so that I have packed up and left during the night.
XXXXXXXXX and I spend a lot of our free time in backcountry areas of San Diego. This is not simply a hobby or something we do occasionally. It is a lifestyle and a part of our culture. It is who we are and something we have done for years and will continue to do for years. We camp often and rarely camp at commercial campgrounds. We do primitive camping in remote locations all over the county. I am submitting pictures to show these locations that we go to.
I have been involved in shooting sports and hunting ever since I received my first rifle at 8 years old. I have taken a Two day 10 hour firearms safety and hunter safety course. I have a current Firearms Safety certificate. I have taken a full day 8-hour Firearm Safety and Concealed Carry Weapons course in Nevada. I have been training monthly at XXXXXXXXX for about 2 years.
Because of the factors listed above, I am afraid that I will be killed or injured. For all these reasons, I respectfully request that I be granted a concealed carry permit.
Because my family and I frequently go camping, one of our favorite spot’s is the Anza Borrego Desert off of the S-2 which is named “The Great Overland Stagecoach Route of 1849” because they have many primitive camping spots we can stop anywhere without any real destination and explore. We often come across other people in these isolated locations that have made us feel uncomfortable. We do not know if these people are drug traffickers, drug smugglers or growers. They could even be human traffickers too. We have come back from exploring and have found many things missing. We have had a Coleman Stove (valued $120), Ozark Trail multi person tent (value $200), Mystery Ranch Scree back pack ($130), and a Yeti Roadie cooler ($200) filled with food and water for our trip ($200) all stolen from the back of a locked camper shelled truck. There are times that we’ve had a few nice cameras with us valued at $500-$1000. These would be high value items if someone wanted to come back while we were in camp and surprise us. Because of the need to bring supplies with us the total value can run from $700-$1500 depending on the length of trip and number of people. Because of being in a remote area cell service can be spotty at best. If I was able to get out a 911 call and give my location, it could take first responders hours to locate us.
While hiking we have come across a few coyotes and several snakes that we have stumbled across. There have been 14 mountain lion attacks in California since 1986, 3 fatal (printout from California Dept of Fish and Wildlife attached). There have also been over 50 coyote attacks on humans from 2012-2016 (Taken from Orange County Register). Because we carry food with us as part of our life style and spend so much time in the back country we are a target and are in a higher risk category then the general population.
Because I run 2-3 times a week before work, it’s usually dark most of the time because of the time I start work. There was shop dog that kept getting out of their yard and was sleeping by the business’s front door. The second time I ran by him he aggressively came towards me and I had to use my pepper spray on him to keep him back. I reported it both times to animal control. Also in the part of Vista that I live in, the homeless population is ever increasing. I’ve had several contacts with them as I run by, getting in my way asking for change. I’m afraid they will stop me and grad my IPod and work phone.
I’ve been training at the XXXXXXX for 3 years and also have taken a few addition classes outside of the shop.
Thank You for consideration,
Dear Sheriff Department,
Thank you for taking the time to evaluate this application for a CCW License.
Me and my family are Road Trippers and about three times a year we drive thousands of miles throughout California and segments of the United States. On these trips I act as an amateur photographer and videographer documenting our travels. In addition, for the past 15 years my family has enjoyed sports shooting on remote BLM lands as well as various ranges throughout the county of San Diego and other areas outside of California. Sports shooting has become a part of our Road Trip travels and is a recreation that is always looked forward to on remote stops. During our travels we regularly find ourselves in areas in the county and state where there is little to no cell phone coverage or access to emergency services. Me, my wife and children enjoy exploring trails in the mountains and in remote areas where I enjoy taking pictures with my camera and aerial drone. My family and I often plan these trips to stay after dark so that we can take advantage of the optimal lighting at dusk. As such, I am often on remote roads very late in the evening to take advantage of the best lighting and scenery for photography and video.
When on these trips, I take over $7,000.00 worth of cameras, video equipment, electronics and firearms. Some of these valuables are visible to those I encounter in these remote areas where I am out recording video or taking pictures.
On May 28th of 2018 I had an uncomfortable encounter with a hiker while in the Borrego Springs area. In the late afternoon me and my family began a hike into the Borrego Springs slot canyon. During the hike, a person stopped and asked me questions about the type of equipment I had and how much I paid for it. At this time, I was concerned about the vulnerable position my family and I were in. I felt we could be in real danger of being attacked or robbed with little ability to defend ourselves or get emergency help.
In addition to these concerns, I also live in a neighborhood that has an extremely high level of violent crime. Since January first of this year there has been 5 homicides, 255 assaults, 46 robberies, 32 weapons violations, 16 sex crimes, 189 incidents of larceny and 75 burglaries. I hear gunshots regularly throughout the week and the sound of emergency services is an everyday part of the background noise in my back yard. It is unsafe to take a walk or jog around the block. As a commuter on public transportation, I do not feel safe getting around town without pepper spray.
I abide by all laws and dutifully keep all my firearms unloaded at home in my safe and when traveling they are in the trunk of my SUV and in a locked box. Because of the high crime neighborhood I live in and the late hours I travel in remote areas with expensive equipment and the vulnerability of being attacked and robbed on these trips and in my neighborhood, I sincerely request a concealed carry license in order to have a loaded handgun on my person in case of emergencies.
Thank you for taking the time to evaluate this application for a CCW License.
I am an avid sporting shooter and photographer. As well as shooting at indoor ranges around San Diego County, I enjoy driving out to remote BLM lands to shoot (such as just past Ocotillo Wells, or Ocotillo Desert). There are some beautiful landscapes on the way to these locations and I often stop to take landscape photographs. As such I am often on the road very early in the morning or late in the evening as the best time for photography is around dawn and dusk. As you can all understand the roads are often quite deserted and some of the remote areas do not have a telephone signal once off the main roads.
With all of my photographic equipment, video equipment and firearms I am carrying in excess of $10,000.00 worth. As I am often outside the car with a camera (photographic or video) much of this equipment is on display for any passers by.
My 12 year old son has started coming with me on these day trips now as he is interested in shooting and like all young boys enjoys making videos. I prefer to have him only shoot when we go to indoor ranges as I have a better control of the area.
Adhering to all laws my firearms are all unloaded in the trunk of my SUV; either in a locked box (cable tethered to a tie down point) or with breach locks (in the case of rifles). Given the remoteness, cost of replacement equipment and the late or early hours I sincerely request a concealed carry license so I can have a loaded handgun with me in case of emergencies.
Yours Sincerely,
The following are the reasons I wish to obtain a California CCW permit.
My son xxxxxxx was a policeman in San Diego and Carlsbad for over 15 years, and he was a gang vice and drug detective working with a regional task force. As such, he arrested many violent felons and the xxxxx name has received numerous unspecific threats of violence from the folks he had arrested.
I am a retired disabled citizen and my passion in life is photography. I have received many awards and been published as well. As a result of this passion, I have accumulated over $25,000 worth of photographic equipment, much of which travels with me wherever I go. You can find me on a street corner in downtown at night, photographing lights and neon, as well as moving vehicles, train stations, etc. I am often taking pictures in very public places at night and have my extensive, expensive gear exposed for others to see, and I often fear for my personal safety. Because of my physical limitations, I would not be able to fend off attackers who may want to cause me injury during a theft of equipment or carjacking.
I regularly compete in shooting matches and events which cause me to transport valuable firearms, putting me to greater risk than the general public and if forcibly taken from me would be a danger to society.
I compete in several venues monthly as a participant of International Defensive Pistol Assoc. (IDPA), —————————-, San Diego Tactical Shooters Pala, Ca, NRA events recently as far as Texas and other non -sanctioned events. See attachments.
I introduce and train others in the safe use of firearms. I volunteer as a San Diego County Gun Owners Mentor to medical professionals, etc. I am a NRA Certified Pistol Instructor. Many of the students I meet with are strangers and we meet for the purpose of learning how to use firearms.
My activities in a high crime area in ———– and being a senior makes me more likely than the average person to be a target for predators and the many gangs in this vicinity. I walk 4 miles nearly each day starting prior to dawn. I am at risk in my neighborhood because I have observed many unusual potential dangerous personnel behaviors. My city councilman described ———————as “gang infested”. (See attached violent crime attachments.)
I am skilled and knowledgeable in firearms safety and use. I hold CCW license in Nevada, Utah and Arizona. I am a Distinguished Graduate in both Handgun and Rifle from Front Sight Training Institute Pahrump, Nevada. As an IDPA competitor, I hold marksman and sharpshooter classifications. I am a NRA Certified Pistol Instructor.
The primary reason for my CCW request is the nature of my competitive sport activities is such that I am subject to personal risk and / or criminal attack greater than the general population. At least 3 times a month I compete in sport shooting matches or attend firearms training events at various ranges within San Diego county. Attending these events requires that I transport multiple firearms (handgun, rifle and shotgun) along with hundreds of rounds of ammunition for these firearms in my personal vehicle to the competition or training venue. Most often my travel time is over 1 hour to these regular events and I must stop for a restroom break. Any time I stop for a rest break with a car containing multiple weapons and ammunition that opens me up to the risk of criminal attack if anyone were to become aware of what I am transporting. I may also travel with family or friends to these competitive and training events. More traveling companions means more firearms and ammunition to transport not to mention the potential of my traveling companions to become victims injured in an attempt to rob us of our firearms and ammunition.
This CCW request is to allow me to protect my family during that one time we are faced with a dangerous situation where there is no direct path to safety without eliminating or mitigating the clear intent of someone to do us harm. I am a U.S. Navy Veteran following in the footsteps of my father who is also a U.S. Navy Veteran. I am no stranger to weapons and weapons systems being a former Aviation Electronics Technician working on the avionics of an F-14 Tomcat. Now I have made the decision to protect my family and myself whenever we are outside our home.
After attending numerous handgun training sessions and regular competitive handgun matches I am proficient with operating my handguns in a safe manner and drawing from a holster.
(Note: this applicant was instructed to submit recent match scores and copies of flyers of events he attended as supporting documentation.)
I am applying for a CCW permit for the purpose of self-protection. I enjoy going on evening trail hikes & bike rides around San Diego in areas which are frequently isolated (San Luis Rey River Trail for example near my house) which subjects me to more risk than the average population. I am making this request because I have been confronted by vagrants on several different occasions during my hikes/rides in a way which made me concerned for my personal safety. Over my time doing these hikes & rides I have encountered & been approached by various vagrants who could potentially be robbers, drug addicts, etc. I typically prefer to hike around sunset as I like to use my drone for photography during this time as the lighting is amazing; however, during this time there is frequently less people around to act as a deterrent. Considering the time-frame in which I normally engage in the activity coupled with the potentially isolated locations (limited cell phone coverage) & the valuables on my person (drone, smartphone, wallet etc.) I am at increased risk of being the victim of a crime of opportunity which could result in great bodily harm.
One specific incident occurred when I was riding my bike on the San Luis Rey River Trail. In this incident I was on my bike and I witnessed several homeless people sleeping along the sides of the trail in the bushes, later in the ride a vagrant stepped out of the bushes in front of my bike and attempted to block my path. He appeared emaciated and under the influence of a substance of some type, but I was able to swerve around him and I pedaled away as fast as I could.
I currently live within close proximity of the xxxxx which is a soup kitchen & 12 step recovery center; which may account for the larger population of homeless people around the area. There have been multiple instances of violent crimes taking place in and around the river trail and within close proximity to my residence of which I have attached documentation.
My firearms experience consists of going to the shooting range several times monthly for recreational shooting, and I have also taken a professionally administered handgun course through xxxxx.
(Note: this applicant was instructed to submit photos of the drone, photos taken by the drone, and a receipt showing its value.
My name is XXX My business is in Real Estate I’m a Broker, Property Manager and Real Estate investor for XXX Properties located in San Diego County, California. I have been in the Real Estate profession for 29 years, and have realized that over the years the daily activities of my profession is putting me at greater risk than the general population.
I often work late at night, early in the morning hours and meet clients in the field. I travel in and through high crime areas during hours of darkness and to remote areas looking for investment properties, My daily activities include property checks means also going through high crime areas for property inspections that includes walking through alleys, and on many occasions I am often called out late at night due to vandalism, graffiti and plumbing issues on my properties. I am constantly approached by homeless individuals who are mentally unstable, drunk or high on illegal drugs, while loitering on my properties.
On Feb. 25th A friend of mine was murdered at my gym where I have been a member of since 1992. I have walked out with him so many times over the last 9 years, and in a moment he was shot dead in the back parking lot. This incident has also reinforced the fact that you can be attacked at any moment. I am afraid that I will be killed or severely injured as a result of these high-risk activities.
For these reasons I am requesting that I be granted a concealed weapons permit for this legitimate business need. I am afraid that I will be killed or severely injured as a result of these high-risk activities.
The nature of my profession is such that it is subject to personal risk and or criminal attack which is greater than the general population because I am at risk of being ambushed or robbed/injured as I am approaching, or on a property or from persons following me into a property after I am inside a home or condo complex. I have had multiple spine surgeries as well as a replacement hip and rotator cuff surgeries on both shoulders and carpal tunnel corrective surgery to both wrists. Consequently my ability to run/escape or physically protect myself is much more limited than an able bodied person. Due to the surgeries I have experienced to my spine simply being pushed to the ground may result in permanent crippling.
As a Realtor I have been threatened or menaced by thieves, persons squatting at properties, angry/disgruntled occupants of properties, drug addicts and transients who have been threatening, openly aggressive and hostile. Aggressors have wanted money, personal and electronic equipment such as: expensive communications devices, computers, (which contain both my own and clients personal and financial data), and professional photographic equipment valued in the thousands of dollars which is kept with me at all times. I work at unpredictable times and places and must make myself available to clients anywhere any day and anytime they require my service. This means that I must make myself available early or late 7 days a week. I am often in unincorporated, remote areas of the county, where crime rates are higher than normal or where law enforcement and medical response times are slower and cell phone connectivity is limited. I am routinely meeting persons unknown to me in locations that are unknown to me as I preform my fiduciary duty on their behalf.
I have been a gun owner since 1957 and have taken numerous courses in the safe ownership and use of firearms, certificates are attached. My professional career path is such that no means of protection, risk avoidance or security would reduce the risk of injury or death during an assault other than the carrying of a concealed firearm.
I own a jewelry business called (NAME OF BUSINESS). I sell gold, diamonds, gems, and finished jewelry. I personally transport this merchandise to sales venues throughout the state as part of my business. I carry the jewelry to and from trade shows and exhibitions. In addition to the high value jewelry, I carry and make the cash deposits from the days sales, often late at night by ATM. I travel in and through remote and high crime areas to reach my appointments. Here in CA, a group of armed, professional criminals known as the South American Theft Group (SATG), frequently HUNTS jewelers like me to attack and rob. It is a well-known and documented fact that these criminals use violence, firearms and even vehicle crashes to assault jewelers.It is only a matter of time until I am targeted. I am deathly afraid that I will be killed or injured in the event of a personal attack.
I am not concerned about the merchandise. I have no other means of self-protection. For these reasons, I feel that my life is in jeopardy and require the concealed weapons permit to comply with the law and protect my life.
Recently, my life was threatened by xxxx. I have attached copies of the police reports and court orders (e.g. TRO or Full Restraining Order). I have no realistic means of self-defense to protect myself from this individual intent on doing me physical, mental, and emotional harm. I am afraid that this person(s) will continue to stalk me until he/she is successful in murdering me. I travel alone, often at night, to and from work. I live in a remote area (if that is the case) where there is little law enforcement support. I realize that the police are not required to protect me 24 hours per day. For these reasons, I am applying for a concealed weapons permit to protect my life and to comply with the law.
I am a Medical Doctor, practicing xxx medicine. As an everyday part of my practice, I must carry highly controlled substances. A copy of my DEA permit is attached. I also carry at all times blank prescription forms, which are highly prized for theft by the criminal element. I also make cash deposits for my practice. I travel late at night, alone, in and through high crime areas in order to respond to medical emergencies. I realize that these high-risk activities make me a likely target by the criminal element for the purpose of illegally obtaining the controlled substances I carry. As a result, I am afraid that I will be killed or injured. I have no other viable means of self-protection. For these reasons, I request that I be granted a concealed weapons permit for my own protection. (Special note: this can be adapted for retired doctors as well: the prescription stuff may not apply, but a moral doctor will stop for auto accidents or other types of situations in remote areas, even if it’s just a suspicion that there’s a situation in progress. Roadside attacks under such physically isolated circumstances are common, see also the murder of Bill Cosby’s son.)
I am a transgender woman. Although I knew I was a girl at a very young age, I did not publicly present as female until my 20s. Because of this late transition, I do not “pass” very well. Unfortunately, this puts me in group targeted for violence and injury, and I fear I will be gravely hurt or killed.
It is a far too common experience for me to hear rude and/or threatening comments from people, in stores, restaurants, and walking through parking lots. Depending on which was closer, my car or the talker, I have feared that I would be significantly harmed or even killed. The possibility of harm has caused me to run to my car on several occasions. I have not called the Police or tried to file complaints for these events, as my primary concern has always been to leave the area. But I worry that next time, the threat will be between me and my car or some safe place.
At night, the rats come out, and they seem to travel in packs. I try hard to stay in populated, well-lit areas, but these mitigations seem an insufficient deterrent.
I have considered personal protection such as a taser or pepper spray, but in my experience, almost always, problems occur when there is more than one of them, and I don’t think such methods would be effective.
As it is, I try to not go out at night alone. However I travel for work almost every week, and end up alone at dinner most nights. Increasingly, I worry about the harm that may come to me simply because of who I am.
Last fall, in Texas, a “cowboy” opened the restaurant door for me going into a restaurant. Inside, across the restaurant, I could see he and his two buddies having dinner, but I didn’t think about them again. Until after dinner, as I got into my rental car, I saw the trio get into their truck. They followed me out of the parking lot. And, they continued to follow me as I was driving back to my hotel. At first I thought it might be coincidence, until the whooping and hollering I heard at a stop light. Thankfully, my mobile phone could find and lead me to the nearest police station. They continued to follow me there, although when I pulled into that parking lot, the truck kept going. I sat in the car in the parking lot for a long time, and when I left, I did not see the truck again. But the shaking did not stop for a long time. Although that was Texas and not California, I know that being a jerk is not limited by state boundaries.
Just a couple months back, after eating dinner at the Old Spaghetti Factory in San Marcos, there were two young guys, with Marine hair cuts, waiting for their table outside. As I came out, one of them said, “Wow. I bet you need a real man to show you what loving is.” I started moving more quickly to my car. I looked back, and they had stood up and were still staring at me. I started running to my car. After I got in and started the car, I could see the two young men had sat back down and appeared to be laughing. No, they did not actually do anything. But as I sat there crying, afraid, I thought to myself, “I do NOT want to live in fear.” That’s when I decided to apply for the concealed weapon permit. Not that I would not continue to avoid such situations, and run to my car when necessary. But if the jerks are between me and safety, or do try to chase me down, I would at least have an option.
Events such as the two above happen only about three or four times a year. But being verbally harassed happens a couple times a month. If you are going to be a late-transition transgender person, you are going to have to endure the verbal assaults. The problem is that there is no way to know when or if the verbal attack will move to the physical.
In spite of the increased visibility of, or perhaps because of, transgender people, the threat seems worse now than in the past. I have presented as female for more than 30 years, and did not seem to have many problems in the past, even in typically scary places like bathrooms. Threats and violence against transgender people, especially transgender women, are well documented, and such violence seems to be increasing.
And homicide of LGBTQ people is mostly from guns, suggesting that the potential violence level is very high:
Both charts from
The most recent US Transgender Survey ( ) said, “In the year prior to completing the survey, 46% of respondents were verbally harassed and 9% were physically attacked because of being transgender. During that same time period, 10% of respondents were sexually assaulted, and nearly half (47%) were sexually assaulted at some point in their lifetime.” “Nearly half” makes me believe my odds of being attacked are significantly higher than the typical population.
Even in California, well-known for its LBGTQ support, the California-specific state report of the US Transgender Survey said, “In the past year, respondents reported being verbally harassed (12%), physically attacked (1%), and sexually assaulted (1%) when accessing a restroom.” And that is just going to the bathroom, which is legally protected in California.
( )
So, my real fear of harm seems to be increasingly justified by research, and my own experiences bear out the statistics.
As another justification for a concealed carry weapons permit, I ride my mountain bike in the Calavera Hills east of my house. I have regularly seen coyotes on these rides, and I have worried every time that my bike pump may not be sufficient protection, should our encroachment on their home land drive them to attack us. I have wanted to ride in the Laguna Hills in south Orange County, but have never done so due to fear of mountain lion attack. News such as (and more recently ) and the fear of great injury, have kept me from possibly enjoying such rides.
Because of the risks associated with being transgender and random encounters with dangerous animals, I am afraid that I will be killed or injured. For all of these reasons, I respectfully request that I be granted a concealed weapons permit.
“To the Carry Concealed Weapons Review Board:
I am applying for my Carry Concealed Weapons license for personal protection. I live in Normal Heights on 35th Street offAdams Avenue and walk my dogs every evening after work, and frequently walk to the Vons near my house for groceries.Included is a map showing crimes in the last six months, including robbery, burglary, vehicle break-in/theft, weapons offenses, assaults, sexual crimes – all in the areas on or near paths I take on these walks. In addition to this, this area is frequented by many homeless individuals, especially on Thursday evenings (as garbage collection occurs Friday morning). I did submit a ticket in the “Get It Done SD” app (report#00243882) Monday, October 9th, 2017, on 35th Street a homeless individual was on the sidewalk “imitating martial arts poses… throwing a steak knife at a tree, sometimes missing, throwing the knife into the street or down the sidewalk.” While I am quick to identify a potential problem and try to avoid the person by changing my path, I have been subject to verbal aggression on several occasions. I am concerned that due to the unpredictability of some of these individuals, physical violence may manifest.I am afraid that because of crime and homelessness in my environment, I am at risk of serious bodily injury. For this, I am requesting that I be granted a concealed weapons permit.
Thank you for your consideration.”
I travel with my family on overnight boat trips several times each year to Catalina Island, San Diego Bay, and Mission Bay, staying on board for days at a time. There is very limited law enforcement and cell phone coverage available out on the water. Even if we can call for help, it takes law enforcement a long time to find the boat and render assistance.
One time a few years ago in San Diego Bay, we had kayaked from the boat to the shore. I noticed two men and their dog approaching myself and my daughter. The men seemed to be on drugs and were stomping across the beach right towards us. We steered clear, and they made their way past us to a small boat and left the beach on their own speed boat. The way they charged at us with their dog made me fear for myself and my daughter’s safety.
Sleeping overnight on boats is very vulnerable too. It wouldn’t take much for those same men in their boat to board our boat anchored at night. It would take a long time for any law enforcement to find us and render assistance should we be attacked.
The nature of my business puts me at personal risk every day. I manage a business which requires me to open and close my location five days a week. Our business hours are 11AM-9PM Monday through Friday and 10AM-4PM on Saturday. Part of my job is locking up and taking care of the end of day responsibilities like counting up the cash drawer and putting together the deposits for the bank. Which means I’m by myself and the last person to leave. At this time of night I find myself having to navigate through the homeless, panhandlers, gang members and drug dealers to get to my vehicle (See emails to property manager). I have had to call the police on several occasions ranging from personal threats to myself, vagrants who have overdosed on drugs and homeless people living in our dumpsters. My business is located in Oceanside. The amount of crime that takes place in the neighborhood is off the charts (See Crime Map). I’ve personally been threatened by drug dealers, homeless people and drug users on multiple occasions. On one occasion out behind my business where a majority of our training takes place, a man threatened me. When I asked him to leave he became very violent and threatened to kill me. He gestured as if he had a gun in his pants and said “I’m going to kill you “He then claimed “I’ll be waiting for you”. I quickly got back inside and locked the door behind me. I have aggressive homeless people demanding money from me and threating me when I don’t oblige. We’ve had employee’s cars stolen and our female employees refuse to walk to their cars alone at night for fear of being attacked.I’m also in charge of Human Resources and Accounting for the business. This requires me to go to our corporate office at least once a week in La Mesa. This work is done after hours usually between 10PM-12AM. (See Crime Map) There is a bar in the shopping center as well as one across the street, along with a smoke shop. These businesses attract all kinds’ trouble. I’ve been harassed on multiple occasions entering and leaving the business during these hours.
I’m 47 years old and I’ve been trained in hunter and gun safety since I was 14 (See Attachment). I’ve had to have both my hips replaced (See Attachment) and at this point I couldn’t out run someone if I had to. I have a wife and three kids. I work fifty plus hours a week to give my family what they need. I live in fear every day that I will be killed or injured at my workplace. The most important thing to me is getting home to my family and spending quality time with them. It’s for these reasons I respectfully ask for your approval for a conceal and carry weapons permit. I do not take this responsibility lightly and hope to never have to use a weapon to defend myself.
Thank you for your time and consideration,
The nature of my occupation and recreational activities are such that it subjects me to personal risk and/or criminal attack, greater than the general population. As a Service consultant at xxxxxxx I arrive before 7:00 every work day and can leave as late as 7:00pm on any given day. Depending on the time of year, I can arrive for work before the sun comes up and leave after the sun goes down and after dark. I am forced to park off property and have to walk anywhere from as little as 50 yards to as much as 2-3 blocks just to reach the property of the dealership on the way to work or my vehicle after the work day is done. I walk alone on all occasions when arriving and leaving. I have had to walk past homeless people multiple times and am always in fear of what they may do to attack me or rob me. I’ve come to realize many homeless are mentally unstable and I do not trust them and am in fear of my life on many occasions, especially when there are more than one in a particular area. This clearly puts me in a higher risk category than the general public who do not have to deal with them.
I am also an avid recreational shooter and routinely travel to remote areas of the county to shoot on BLM land. Usually 2-3 times a month I will travel out to the Otay valley near Dulzura and meet friends to shoot. Most times I travel out and meet them on site. These remote sites are very close to the US/ Mexico border and cell phone service is spotty at best and usually non existent. I will have upwards of $6,000.00 in firearms and equipment with me. Not to mention my 4 wheel drive Toyota Tacoma valued at over $40,000.00. In these remote spots, it would be easy to watch from an elevated position see me lock up all of my firearms to transport them legally and then set up an ambush to attack me.
Along with shooting in remote BLM land in San Diego regularly, I travel to Arizona alone typically 2-3 times a year. On these trips I visit friends and bring the same high value firearms with my to shoot while in Arizona.
With my active recreational shooting, travel to Arizona as well as my work situation and having to walk the distance I do to be in the safety of my locked vehicle I feel I am at a much higher risk than the general public.
I have owned firearms for over 20 years. I have taken classes that cover proficiency and ethics of lethal force as well as proficiency with firearms. My father was A San Diego Police officer and instilled a great respect for human life as well as firearms prior to his death when I was 16 years of age. With all of this taken into consideration, I am a great candidate for a concealed weapons permit.
The nature of my occupation is such that it subjects me to personal risk greater and/or criminal attack, greater than the general population because as a third-shift laboratory technician I work alone with valuable lab equipment during the night. I work for a biotechnology company called xxxxxx, located in xxxxxx. A key driver of the lab’s research is to grow bacteria in bioreactors through the process of fermentation. Since these bioreactors are running constantly, my role as the night technician is to make sure these machines receive 24-hour oversight to ensure they are running smoothly.
On a typical day, I come in at 1AM and overlap with the afternoon technician for an hour. After being apprised of the experiment’s status, I am usually the only one in the building between 2AM – 6AM. I spend most of my time in the lab monitoring the experiment and troubleshooting if necessary. One concern for me is that the lab is easily viewed from outside of the building through a one-way glass window, meaning someone can be looking inside while I can’t see out. It would be very easy for someone to make a surprise attack on me in order to steal lab equipment and chemicals. Additionally, I step outside for breaks and meals between 3AM-6AM. I believe this daily routine that isolates me as a result of my schedule puts me at an elevated risk of being a target.
Having worked the third shift for over two years throughout my career, I know that working alone at night can be unsettling and forces me to rely on myself. I have seen unauthorized people in my workplace, taking advantage of the fact that nobody is there to enforce a proper check-in procedure. I have had to open the door for strangers before, unsure if it’s another employee at the company that I don’t recognize or just a random stranger. Fortunately, I haven’t had a violent encounter yet, but I know I’ll have nobody nearby to assist me if something happens during the night.
I have been proficient with firearms my entire adult life and have had formal training including four courses in handgun safety and a hunter safety course. Since 2011, I’ve held CCW licenses from Utah, Florida, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, and Oregon. I have never been involved in a firearms accident because I take safety very seriously.
I am afraid the above reasons put me at a heightened risk of serious bodily injury, and I respectfully request that I be granted a concealed weapons permit. Thanks for your time.
The nature of my occupation is such that it subjects me to personal risk and/or criminal attack, greater then the general population because as the CEO (and a pilot) of a financial software company I utilize my private plane for business travel, many times departing and landing late into the night.
While large jets land at big and busy airports, private pilots usually land in remote, off-the-grid small airports, usually without a tower and situated 15-20 miles outside of the major city. It is usually pitch black when I land, without any person in sight. Landing at night provides criminals with an easy target, as they can clearly see the airplane landing (lights in the sky), knowing that the pilot is soon to follow. Since pilots are perceived to be wealthy individuals, they are more likely to be targeted, and with small airports only having one or two exits, it is very easy for criminals to ambush the pilot and steal his valuables. In addition to my personal gear (valued at about $5,000) I usually carry Point of Sale equipment (approximately $15,000 in value), and if the customer I am meeting takes Bitcoin as payment, I also carry a cold storage Bitcoin wallet with approximately 5-7 bitcoins (currently valued at $50,000, $8,000 per coin).
A good example of the above would be a recent business flight I took to Stockton, CA. I landed at Lodi (Kingdom Airport) at 23:00 (11PM). The area is very rural, no buildings, restaurants or cars in sight. When I landed there were 3 SUVs parked at the edge of the runway, with 20-30-year-olds smoking and blasting music all around. As soon as I deplaned they approached me, most of them intoxicated, grabbing boxes out of the back of the airplane and trying to open them up. Luckily my UBER arrived a few mins later, and when they saw a car coming towards them they ran to their cars and left. Nothing was stolen and only one computer screen was broken, but that scenario was very unpleasant. If the situation escalated it could have ended much worse.
As for my experience, I am a former IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) commander. In the Israeli army, all combat soldiers are issued an M-16 (AR15 civilian equivalent) for the entire duration of the 3-year service. Your weapon goes anywhere you go, and at night it goes under your pillow.
As for handguns, I have been taking weekly private training lessons with Micheal at the Poway Weapons and Gear range. I plan to further my training and education, and similar to my pilot license, I intend to keep current and trained. I have a healthy respect for firearms.
Given that experience and the nature of my business travel, I am afraid that I will be killed or injured as a result of these activities. For these reasons I am requesting that I be granted concealed weapon permit.
Being in charge of management and maintenance of rentals in City Heights subjects me to personal risk and/or criminal attack because I carry
sums greater than a thousand dollars and arrive at odd hours of the day with tools. Entering the property through the alley alone as a stranger in the neighborhood puts me at greater risk than the general public. Drug addicts frequent the area; I can be ambushed and robbed easily.
Management of the property requires me to collect rent in cash and deposit it at a nearby ATM on occasion. This occurred last June and will occur in the future. Maintenance issues have required me to pay laborers in cash. When doing work on the houses myself, I am often alone in the desolate alley. I have seen drug addicts and homeless persons pass by as I paint and inspect construction/plumbing work. Checking has shown that attacks have occurred only two blocks away and confirmed that such crimes continue in this area. I have received training in use of my firearms through Splitz Second Shooting in Oceanside. I have completed a class on handgun safety at Gunther Guns in Carlsbad. I have joined the Armed Citizens Legal Defense Network to learn the ethics and legal aspects of the use of lethal
In managing and maintaining property in City Heights I feel that my life is in jeopardy and require the concealed weapons permit to comply with the law and protect my life. For all reasons above I respectfully request that I be granted a concealed weapons permit.
The nature of my occupation is such that it is subject to personal risk and / or personal attack, greater than the general population. The reason for my increased risk is that I work for a company that installs and maintains equipment in client’s homes across San Diego county. I manage the southern part of the County (San Ysidro, Imperial Beach, National City, Spring Valley) and often branch out to other parts of the county like El Cajon, San Diego, Escondido and the surrounding areas. As a field representative working in such diverse parts of the county I am exposed to greater risk than the average population as I enter unfamiliar areas and homes at all hours of the day including late evenings. I carry over $3,000 worth of equipment in my car and I am easily identifiable as a field representative with my laptop and tool bag. The nature of my job has me making frequent trips to my vehicle and back to the client’s home carrying high-value equipment such as computer components and peripheral devices. I attempt to avoid high crime areas at night or when it’s dark but unfortunately it is not always possible as my clients may only be available at those times. Without anyone around for support and working in unknown environments, the risk I face is certainly greater than that faced by the general population.
My proficiency with a firearm consist of basic firearm training courses and regular visits to the gun range. I also have completed a course for Stop the Bleed and have training in deescalating and managing behavior during my 12 years working with high school and adult students with disabilities.
I have been working at my current job, (REDACTED), for just over two years.
NOTE: below is a template, but it is not complete. You must provide personal information that includes why you need a CCW. Carrying on private property is legal without a CCW. So you must convey why you need a CCW as a volunteer at a church. For example: Do you travel off property or to public areas on the property while carrying?
I am a volunteer at (Name of place of worship), located at ___Address___. My (place of worship leadership) has specifically requested that I obtain a concealed carry permit while attending services at the above referenced location. (See attached letter) While conducting my regular duties, I am responsible for (what specific activities you perform, Greeter, Usher, Youth Pastor, Emergency Response Team, First Aid, Directions, Coffee Shop, New Member Orientations, Fire and Safety, include any specific and relevant training you have for this).
I provide these services for members of our congregation and the general public. My volunteer duties place me at greater risk of criminal attack because I may be mistaken as an official of my place of worship by disgruntled individuals, or contacted outside of my volunteer duties by members of the public that recognize me when I am out in with my family. I am aware that faith based organizations such as this have been specifically targeted and victimized and for their specific religious beliefs. (e.g. Christian, Jewish, Muslim, etc.) I respectfully request that I be granted a concealed weapons permit.
The nature of my occupation is such that it is subjecting me to personal risk and/or criminal attack, greater than the general population because as a volunteer member on the musical worship team of my church, xxxxx xxxxx Church (address xxxxxxx ), I must transport expensive musical gear, traveling to and from my home to the church facility at often very early or very late hours, often at times where there are very few visible people around, and the church facility parking entails a long walk that is far from the worship center, and I must bring all this heavy gear with me by hand, on foot, which puts me in a vulnerable situation if someone chooses to come after my expensive music equipment. The gear that travels with me to the church and to other venues includes multiple high value acoustic guitars as well as assorted music electronics and equipment. It is valued at over $10,000. I have itemized the gear I bring with me everywhere here: XXXXX Guitars xxxx (Guitar Model) $8500 + $701.25 tax.
***** Church has membership in excess of **** weekly attendees, and there are ***+ adults attending adult worship services starting at x:xx, x:xx, and x:xx, every Sunday of the year. Rehearsals for the music team often start as early as 6:15AM, often when the sun is not up much of the year, and the church site begins the day in the dark, and throughout the day is both expansive, open, viewable from (xxx road), and it is very easy to see that someone is unpacking their car with lots of musical equipment. Because there is much musical equipment to move, I am a target for assault because of the high value of my musical equipment, compounded with the clumsiness of carrying multiple heavy music items at the same time from our street parking, which is a significant walk away from our worship center. I make myself a target due to the remote nature of our church site perimeter along xxx road. Our pastoral staff has indicated that there are regular instances of vagrants coming onto campus to beg for money, or test the doors in order to potentially steal items. This may be verified with a call to Pastor xxx xxxxx, 619-xxx-xxxx.
Thank You,
Xxxx xxxxx
While my employer does not require me to obtain a license to carry a concealed weapon, the nature of my occupation is such that it is subjects me to personal risk and criminal attack greater than the general population because as an IT professional in the real estate industry, I often travel by car to offices and onsite locations to deliver and install expensive computer, network, and office equipment.
While carrying valuable equipment from the car to the office, I am in a very vulnerable position. I’m concerned that someone would hurt me or kill me in order to steal the valuable equipment.
Locations include remote parts of Temecula, Corona, and Alpine. Other locations aren’t as remote, but they are in hilly areas like La Jolla and Carmel Valley, with little or no cell phone coverage.
A few years ago, while installing a computer and printer at an on-site clubhouse in Chula Vista, a very angry resident walked into the clubhouse, irate about a letter he received from my company. He was a large man, and he instantly started yelling at me and the onsite employee. He became violently angry and I feared for our safety. I really thought he was going to hurt us.
In an IT role, my duties sometimes require me to visit the office and our server room after hours, at nights, or on weekends. Lately there has been more homeless activity near the office. I’ve encountered people in the garage and stair wells. I’m concerned that when I work at night or on weekends, they’ll try to force me to let them in the building or become angry and hurt me if I don’t let them follow me in.
The nature of my occupation is such that it subjects me to personal risk and/or criminal attack greater than the general population because as a graphic design and custom apparel business owner I transport expensive laptop computers, audio/visual and plotting equipment and merchandise around the county valued at over $6,000, but the software, custom graphic designs, business files, client personal and billing information stored in them are even more valuable. I visit clients and potential clients by myself 5-6 days a week for consultations, product sampling/presentations, and merchandise delivery at their residences, offices and sometimes public locations. I also ship packages to customers outside of the San Diego area, so I make frequent trips to the post office with packaged merchandise.
Criminals who see a profit in selling my equipment and merchandise are a threat to me. I pick up products from my suppliers where robberies, thefts and drug use are prevalent. For example, in June of 2018, after picking up a large supply of apparel from J&S Clothing in Chula Vista, I was confronted by four male individuals who seemed to just be walking through the complex. They asked me several different questions such as why I had all this clothing, if I had designs I could show them on my laptop, where my business was, etc. I didn’t see them as potential customers, as they smelled of marijuana and alcohol. I ended the conversation and left the area, but still feel uneasy as they now know the vehicle I drive and my business information which is displayed on my vehicle as well. I often have to walk several blocks away from my vehicle with my valuables or merchandise due to limited parking in areas like downtown San Diego or other communities where parking and ample street lighting is at a minimum. This leaves me vulnerable to ambush, or to be followed to a meeting location with my client or back to my vehicle for increased criminal opportunity.
I try to keep a low profile and not draw much attention to myself, but there is only so much that can be done to hide some of the equipment I use and transport.With over 22 years in the military I have been taught to be best prepared for any situation and always be aware of my surroundings, but some risks experienced running my business can’t be mitigated. My military experience has also instilled strong firearm safety practices and responsible use.Because of the factors listed above, I am afraid that I will be killed or injured and I respectfully request to be granted a CCW permit. Thank you for your time and understanding.
The nature of my occupation is such that it subjects me to personal risk and/or criminal attack, greater than the general population because as a communications contractor I transport very expensive equipment and precision tools around the county. I feel that robbers and transients are a specific threat to me. They may want to harm me in order to take the valuable equipment I use to perform my work. My Sumitomo Q101-M12 Fusion Splicer and EXFO FTB-1 Optical Time Domain Reflectometer amount to over $20,000 alone, not to mention the various other fiber optic testers and splicing equipment I carry in my work truck. I easily have over $30,000 worth of precision tools in my possession at any given time. I am particularly vulnerable since many times I need to work late at night and early morning in order to minimize service disruptions. I deal with fiber optics in the communications industry and work alone inside manholes, underground vaults, empty buildings, rural areas, and at times in high crime areas where cell phone coverage can be limited and police response can be slow due to the nature of my work which affects communications platforms. I fear that I can be attacked or ambushed to strip me of my equipment while working alone during odd hours of the day. Over the many years of doing this type of work, I’ve heard numerous horror stories of being confronted and robbed from fellow contractors and have experienced similar encounters myself. Most of the events you hear about around the jobsite happen late at night or in the early hours of the morning. The nature of this business requires me at times to work odd hours which leaves me vulnerable and make me an easy target. My type of work is a one-man job which many times takes place in areas filled with transients and homeless encampments. For example; one location I work at several times a month is downtown San Diego at the end of State route 94 where it meets Interstate 5. This location is illegally used as a campsite by numerous transients. As a contractor who carries expensive tools and equipment, I can easily become a target for a crime of opportunity. There have been many times when I have been approached by individuals while working asking things like: “what are you doing?” or “do you have a cigarette?”. It has been obvious to me that these individuals are looking to see what I have with me and if anyone else is with me in or around the vicinity. I have genuinely felt fear for my safety and believed that I was in real danger of being attacked and robbed. I have been a responsible firearms owner for over 18 years and have continuously practiced the sport of target shooting for the same amount of time. In addition, I have a college degree in Administration of Justice and have studied the ethics and legal aspects of using lethal force. I am afraid that I will be attacked, injured, or even killed as a result of being robbed. For these reasons, I respectfully request that I be granted a concealed weapons permit. Thank you for your time and consideration.
My name is ******** **********,
I am at greater risk of harm or criminal attack due to my career, and locations I frequent. The nature of my occupation at ************* located on Montgomery-Gibbs Airport is such that it subjects me to personal risk and/or criminal attack, greater than the general population. My occupation requires I have access to tools, information, and aircraft that criminals or persons that may not be of the best character would want to attack me to gain access.I arrive early around 5:30am before sunrise, and work late frequently up to around 7:00pm past sunset, which gives me access to the airport and facility while I am alone. I am solely responsible for expensive aviation tools and computer equipment valued in the thousands of dollars, and 21 operational aircraft worth up to $750,000 each.
Over 20 individual, unaffiliated tenants on the airport have 24 hour access, whose intentions are unknown and can share access to the airport with others who may not be of the best character. These tenants lease hangars that I work in proximity to and have access to, in order to house their several million dollar airplanes and collectors cars that are also high risk targets. High profile tenants including the prince of Malaysia and the owners of Costco Co. to name a few, also are known to house their private jets, collectors cars, and high target aviation equipment such as radio equipment, GPS devices, iPads, aviation headsets, etc. in their leased hangars.The value of these assets I am in charge of and have access to, puts me at great risk of bodily harm or death by criminals who wish to commit assault, burglary, robbery, and grand larceny in order to posses these high-value targets.
A greater risk involving general and commercial aviation located at my public, non-TSA supervised airport, is the appeal of unauthorized use of its assets by criminals or terrorists, which can lead to an actual security-related event and/or public endangerment. This access I have to these assets that I must use daily for my livelihood and income clearly puts me in a higher risk category than the general public. Within the past year I have had contact with three homeless appearing individuals on separate occasions acting belligerent and demanding access to the airport. In the past six months, my co-worker who operates in the exact same area I do on the airport has had two face-to-face encounters with questionable and suspicious persons during shifts I was supposed to work. One early morning before sunrise, a negligent adult male trespassed over airport perimeters and onto the taxiway, climbed aboard the wing of the running aircraft ********** was occupying, and attempted to open the cockpit door with unknown intentions. On a separate incident again involving ************ working an early morning shift before sunrise where I would normally be in his place, ************* came across another nefarious unknown individual during his maintenance routine. A young suspicious male was attempting to start and potentially attempt to fly one of our company aircraft without authorization. With his demeanor and attitude his intent to commit grand larceny could have motivated him to cause great bodily harm or death in order to fulfill his felony.I have been involved in firearms training ever since I was a team member on my high school JROTC Marksmanship Program at 14 years old. From the United States Marine Corps I have received military training and experience with machine guns, high explosives, rifles, and pistols which cumulatively have awarded me Rifle Expert Badges, a Pistol Sharpshooter Badge, completion of the Marine Combat Training course, Crew Chief Aerial Gunner Training Course, and Weapons and Tactics Instructor course. I also possess a current California Department of Justice Firearms Safety certificate.For the previously listed reasons and situations, as well as the crime in the neighborhoods in which I live and work, I am afraid that my health and life is in jeopardy and I will be injured or killed. For all of these reasons, I respectfully request that I be granted a concealed carry weapons permit to comply with the law and protect my life.
******** **********
A part of who I am is begin a community leader in the anti-human trafficking community. I lead a collaborative that is deeply involved with the various service providers who serve victims and survivors of human trafficking. I participate in events where the attendees are victims or survivors of human trafficking, some of whom may still be in the life. For the convenience of the victims and survivors, we host events in poorer and crime-ridden neighborhoods where they live. I participate in press conferences and public outreach events to raise awareness about human trafficking. If you google my name, the first page have several links to websites with my work address. I am a licensed ham radio operator. If you search my name or call sign on the FCC’s website (XXXXXX), you can find my home address online for free. I recently received an email from someone through the anti-trafficking network who was looking to connect me with a man in Iowa seeking legal advice because he was being retaliated against by traffickers and criminal charges were filed against him. I was concerned about him knowing my name (my email address is xxxxxxxxx) because I know how easy it is to find me with that little information.
I am easy to find online. I am often in high-crime neighborhoods. I am concerned about people involved in trafficking retaliating against me with threats or violence for helping the women they try to exploit, especially when I am in the neighborhoods where the trafficking occurs. For these reasons, I feel that my life is often in jeopardy and require the concealed weapons permit to comply with the law and protect my life.
I am including documentation regarding my license to practice law because I am an attorney member of the anti-human trafficking organizations and programming. My CCW Application has nothing to do with my employment at Law Offices of xxxxxxxxxxxxx. Please do not contact my employer as my employment is irrelevant to my good cause.
The nature of my profession is such that I am subject to personal risk and/or criminal attack, greater than the general population.
I was employed as an Officer of the Court for a period of 36 years. I worked felony criminal cases only as a court reporter, 18 years of which I was assigned to the Honorable ****************** in San Diego Superior Court. We handled only violent and serious felonies. Many of the defendants who appeared in our courtroom were dual diagnosed addicted with psychological/psychiatric issues and received prison sentences. For a period of four years we handled pro per cases (the defendant was representing themselves) and I had daily contact with these defendants and often had to deny their requests for information, court documents and other issues which caused tension and subsequently was overly threatened and disparaged.Before and since my retirement I have had contact with defendants and defendant’s family members at restaurants, Wal-Mart, car washes and even at the DMV. I also live in a very high crime area (southeast San Diego) where many of the defendants have lived or will return to when their prison terms have concluded.
EXPERIENCE: I am currently a member of the Honorary Deputy Sheriff’s Association and volunteer with the Firearms Training Unit at the Miramar range when they have the Basic Handgun Safety Course and the Fun Shoots. I served as a Senior Volunteer Patrolman at SH 70, Imperial Beach, for five years.I have taken the Sheriff’s Department Basic Handgun Safety Course, and a Basic Handgun Safety course at the San Diego Police Department range. I currently train at The Gun Range in San Diego at least once per week. I am an Honorably Discharged veteran and served in Southeast Asia during the Vietnam War.
I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
DATED this day of: **********.
I’m in a higher risk category than the general population because I’m currently being treated by Dr _____________, for a medical condition. While treatable, it’s not curable. And I’m afraid this makes us a more likely target for robbery or attack because it is obvious in public that I am disabled.
I am a target because I have to slow down or stop walking on occasion to catch my breath. On occasion I have to take medication in public. This is especially obvious to people who wish to do me harm in order to rob me during normal daily activities, exercise outdoors, or when I am on one of my frequent camping trips.
My wife and I go for walks for 20-30 minutes most evenings around San Diego. This exercise is necessary for our health and medical condition.
I’ve been harassed twice in the last year, because I feel, I appear to be an easy target due to my medical condition. During one incident, at ____________ while I was trying to catch my breath. During a second incident, I was ______________________. Although neither incident escalated to physical harm, my fear is that I will be attacked in a similar situation because I am a target.
I’ve been shooting since _______. I’ve taken ________ Firearms Training and hold a Fire Arms Safety Training Certificate# _________.
Because I appear to be an easy target due to my medical health condition, I ask that you approve my request for a concealed weapons permit so I can legally protect my loved ones and myself.
How to Apply for a CCW
We are working on updating our CCW resource page. Check back for updates!
If you are a San Diego County resident and want your California CCW, please go to the San Diego County Sheriff’s website here:
Carry Guide
View the .PDF below for where you can and cannot carry
CCW Lifestyle
Got your CCW? Now what? Carrying is a lifestyle and there are a lot of questions that need to be answered to help you along the way. Check out Joe Drammissi’s articles: CCW Lifestyle Series!