On Tuesday the San Diego County Board of Supervisors voted on a ban on shooting on federally managed public lands in San Diego County.
This regulation was started by anti-Second Amendment politician Dianne Jacob. She has paid lip-service to her Republican constituents for years, but her career has been lack-luster at best. She tells gun owners what they want to hear, but refuses to help gun owners in any way.
Now she is capping off her career (she is termed out in 2020) with a final jab to gun owners in San Diego County: a shooting ban. Her regulation puts into the County’s regulations that recreational shooting is banned at two of the last few areas where San Diegans can shoot on publican lands – Donohoe Flats and Pink Gate. Her plan is to have San Diego County Sheriff Deputies go onto federally controlled land and arrest people who are peacefully, responsibly, and legally exercising their Second Amendment protected right.
As you can see by the picture above, the final version of Dianne’s ridiculousness passed. So what does this mean?
Representing SDCGO, I made the point at the meeting and before the vote that nobody from the County bothered to contact the Secretary of the Interior’s department or the BLM to make sure they agreed with the ban. SDCGO did contact them and there will be no ban.
Our next step is to receive a memo from the Secretary of the Interior explaining they do not agree to a shooting ban and then make sure this is publicized for the County Board to see. The County is trying to do this by using a memo of understanding between the County and the Federal government saying they will cooperate on matters where they agree. This is memo is NOT simply permission to force mandates on the federal government like what Supervisor Jacob expects.
Did Jacob take up offers to help improve shooting conditions on public lands or ask for more management? No. She used the recent horrible fire tragedies as leverage for her made-up stories about ducking from bullets being shot over her head to ban shooting.
Stay tuned for details on that memo and look for SDCGO to endorse a strong, good replacement for Supervisor Jacob in the 2020 election.