SDCGO: San Diego’s Go-To for Media
Weekly Email 3/25/21
In this email…
Earlier this week, a heinous act of mass murder was committed in Boulder, Colorado, which prompted much discussion by the Biden administration about increasing gun control. However, we as gun owners know that these gun control laws do nothing to stop the unconscionable acts of murderers; but instead, only make it more difficult for sane, trained, law-abiding citizens to own firearms. We are proud to represent the voice of the every day gun owner in the media. Check out some of our media appearances this week. Watch Wendy Hauffen on KUSI News discussing where California stands on gun laws. |
Watch Michael Schwartz on The DeMaio Report discussing how the mental health crisis is being overlooked as the CO shooting is used to push gun control. |
Watch Michael Schwartz on The Mark Larson Show discussing the impacts of gun ownership following the CO shooting. |
Blog: Gun Laws: The Institutional Racism You’ve Heard About |
One of the many new changes that the year 2020 brought was the mainstream use of the term “Institutional Racism.” The phrase is heated, controversial, and its acceptance is a partisan divide (like everything these days). It is the burden of each reader to decide if institutional racism exists, but it is clear that there is a direct line connecting the results of extreme gun laws and the conditions in society described as institutional racism. |
Mark Your Calendars for our April Events! |
Cover Your ASP Week was AMAZING! |
John & Steph kicked it off with Tuesday’s webinar and shared their top 10 lessons learned after analyzing 30,000+ videos of defensive gun use. |
Then on Thursday we had a great ‘Intro to the Armed Lifestyle’ class, with some live fire practice at the end. As you can tell, students left with big smiles after learning and having fun with John & Neil. |
Friday’s Happy Hour was DEE-LISH-OUS! Thank you Shakespeare Pub for the tasty tasty food! It was great seeing old & new friends and partaking in Scottish eggs and puff pastries. |
Win a Gun by Having Fun! |
It’s time to step up your volunteer game! Not only is volunteering a great way to give back to San Diego County Gun Owners and the Second Amendment community in general, it’s super easy and fun. You spend a few hours at your local gun shop (admit it, you do that anyway!) and talk to people about how important it is to fight for your gun rights, and how SDCGO is accomplishing that. Plus… we have an exciting new incentive program starting in 2021! Every shift for which you volunteer and work will earn you an entry into our quarterly drawing for A GUN! Sign up for shifts today on our volunteer page. Check back often as we continue to add more dates. |
Already a member and need to update your information or credit card? |
SDCGO Shooting Socials |
If you’re a new shooter who is interested in an informal shooting experience, our Shooting Socials are a great way to dip your toe in the water! For just $50/person, we can give you a safe, fun, safe, and educational first-time shooting experience. You will get: 1. One-on-one mentoring with an experienced volunteer2. Safety briefing in a classroom3. 2 Hours of range rental4. Gun(s) to learn with5. 50 rounds of ammunition6. Paper target(s)7. Eye protection8. Ear protection Sorry, we’re sold out through August! But keep checking back for more dates to be added soon! |
If you’re an experienced shooter who is interested in being a mentor, check out our volunteer page to sign up to be a mentor. |
Blackhound Optics Promotion! |
Blackhound Optics is offering 5% off all optics and free shipping when you use promo code NOTMESD!
PLUS, they will be donating 30% of their proceeds to our NotMeSD program to fight domestic violence and sexual assault. Thank you, Blackhound Optics!! |
Thank You Second Amendment Celebration Dinner Sponsors!
Bob and Sue Sutherland |
Check out our Wine Table Sponsors! American Legion Post 416 (TRIPLE sponsor!) The Gun Range San Diego (TRIPLE sponsor!) Beebe Family Arms and Munitions (DOUBLE sponsor!) Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. – Chris Wiley Jeff Malik / JM Real Estate Investments Gun Owners for Joel Anderson for County Supervisor Carlo Daleo Discount Gun Mart in San Diego and Santee Rocky Chavez for Oceanside Mayor David Merritt – Mainline Insurance Services Check out our Basic Table Sponsors! DtW Holdings Jeff Lower / Inland Federal Credit Union Allegiance Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. Joe Leventhal Richard Bailey, Mayor of Coronado Defensive Tactics and Firearms Joe Cresto & Mark Stevens Friends of the Doctor and Mr. Drammissi Riverside County Gun Owners PAC San Bernardino County Gun Owners PAC Scott Vinson Sr / Tim Neller |
Got CCW?Still waiting to apply for your CCW? Don’t wait!
We have a few ways to help.
Here is a list of places that are hosting seminars monthly to teach you how to get a CCW. To sign up for a seminar, call or visit their website for more details:
Are you a gun shop, range, or instructor and want to host a CCW seminar? Email us at We’ll help.
COVERED IN ALL 50 STATES PRO GUN ATTORNEYS LOST WAGE REIMBURSEMENT PSYCHOLOGICAL COUNSELING VERY AFFORDABLE SDCGO Has Done The Research and Recommends Firearms Legal Protection For CCW Holders. Firearms Legal Protection provides members with superior legal defense protection whenever you are using a firearm in the lawful defense of yourself and/or others. They are backed by a vast nationwide network of experienced firearm attorneys, and members are equipped with service and support from the moment the covered event occurs. San Diego County Gun Owners proudly supports Firearms Legal Protection. |