Ratings Disclaimer
The views expressed about the elected officials listed are opinions based on the research of statements made by each elected official, voting record of each elected official, conversations with the elected official or their staff, interactions with the elected official personally, and observations made by San Diego County Gun Owners’ (SDCGO) volunteers and/or staff. A rating listed here is not necessarily an endorsement and the rating is not permanent. The rating is subject to change at any time and is a snapshot of where each elected official generally stands on a broad set of Second Amendment related issues. For strategic reasons, we do not publish our findings, criteria, or records. If you have any information to add, have any questions or concerns about the content of this website, or you are an elected official understandably concerned with your less than “thumbs up” rating, please contact SDCGO staff directly.)
A “(P)” next to their name indicates the official has signed the SDCGO pledge! Signing the pledge does not necessarily mean they are friendly to our cause and may or may not affect their rating. The pledge just means that the official has agreed to meet with us before voting on Second Amendment related issues.
Paid for by San Diego County Gun Owners Political Action Committee | 5694 Mission Center Rd. #602-876, San Diego CA 92108 | FPPC ID # 1379388