Legal Protection
Read how Lonestar Firearm Defense, U.S. Concealed Carry Association, CCW Safe, Firearms Legal Protection, and U.S. Law shield will protect you.
If you’ve made the decision to get a CCW, you’ve come to the conclusion that one day you may have to defend your life with lethal force. If you have come to that conclusion, then you also must conclude that there is an equal chance that you will need an attorney to defend you and guide you through the legal process. SDCGO highly recommends some kind of legal defense product or membership so we did the research to help you.
We asked them all the same questions and here are their answers. Pick the one that fits your needs the best.
What is your liability maximum?

Lonestar Firearm Defense
(SDCGO Legacy Member)
We offer several levels of legal protection. At the basic level, for less than $10 a month, if you attend a class, you can receive $250,000 of legal protection. We use experienced attorneys, and as experienced attorneys, we know that offering to pay an unlimited amount in attorneys fees might not be in the members best interest; as an attorney with thinking he or she has unlimited resources may not work your case and, instead, stretch it out for longer than it needs to be. A member may also appeal the amount and ask us directly for an increase on a case-by case basis. A typical firearm case should be resolved in under $100,000.

USCCA members become insured on the Self-Defense Liability Insurance policy issued to the USCCA, which provides No Limit on defense expenses on both the Criminal and Civil sides as well as a $2,000,000 annual liability insurance limit which is applied towards damages if they were awarded in a civil case.

We offer optional civil liability coverage for $220 per year. The limit is $1 million dedicated. One civil liability option is included in our bundled Ultimate plan.

Firearms Legal Protection has uncapped attorneys' fees.

We do not have any limits on attorneys' fees for covered incidents. This includes attorneys' fees on civil and criminal cases, as well as retrials and appeals.
Do you cover civil lawsuits?

Yes. Same limits as the criminal case. We focus on the criminal case and then the civil case. We want to win both.

Yes, along with no limit to defense expense in a civil case there is a $2,000,000 annual liability insurance limit which is applied towards damages if awarded in a civil case.

Yes. We pay 100% of all defense costs up front. Criminal, civil and administrative defense costs are covered without limit.

Firearms Legal Protection has uncapped attorneys' fees for civil lawsuits.

Do you cover bail? Is there a limit?

Yes, we cover bail. We are the only company that covers bail for the member price of $12.95 per month ($9.95 per month if you attend a class with one of our attorneys). We do this because we like to educate our members in person, though there is information available on our website as well (and we consistency add new information).

Every USCCA membership provides the benefit of $100,000 cost of bail expense limit ($1,000,000 bail) included in the policy.

Yes we do. The fees on a bond set up to $500,000 is standard with $1 million optional.

Firearms Legal Protection will pay the premium on a bond of up to $250,000.

Yes, we are excited to offer Bail Bonds and Expert Witness coverage in California. Our Bail Bond coverage covers Member's bail for covered incidents for bail up to $50,000 (a $5,000 bond fee). Additionally, Members with this coverage have the option to have one expert witness or investigator at no cost to them.
What is the size of your attorney network?

We have an extensive attorney network and are adding attorneys every week. As we started in Texas, and in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, we have more than 500 attorneys here alone that are competent and qualified to take your case. Nationwide we have thousands. We believe it is important to get the right fit for the member; meaning, competent, qualified, and, as much as possible, a local attorney experienced in these type of cases. Further, as we are a veteran company, including former military attorneys with extensive criminal and civil experience, we also have that network.

The USCCA has an attorney network of over 1,200 independent attorneys across the US who have agreed to be on call in case legal assistance is needed after an act of self-defense.

We do not use network attorneys. We hire the best in the jurisdiction of occurrence.

Firearms Legal Protection has over 2,500 attorneys across the country.

We have an extensive network of Independent Program Attorneys nationwide. In each state we have multiple Independent Program Attorneys, so we are able to provide Members with access to an attorney as needed.
Do you source from local attorneys or is it a national/state-wide network?

We have a nation-wide network of attorneys; but we like to provide local attorneys who specialize in firearms and weapons cases. We like to use experienced, informed, competent local attorneys because they know the courts and judges in the county or city that the case will occur. We also send in nationally experienced attorneys to assist on these cases, when needed.

The attorneys we have are independent attorneys from across the country.

We hire local attorneys with a relationship with the courthouse in the jurisdiction of occurrence.

Firearms Legal Protection uses local attorneys for criminal in civil for members across the country.

Both. The best attorney for the Member will be provided and this may be based on what the incident involves or where the Member lives.
Do I get to choose who I use?

We have a nation-wide network of attorneys; but we like to provide local attorneys who specialize in firearms and weapons cases. We like to use experienced, informed, competent local attorneys because they know the courts and judges in the county or city that the case will occur. We also send in nationally experienced attorneys to assist on these cases, when needed.

The attorneys we have are independent attorneys from across the country.

We hire local attorneys with a relationship with the courthouse in the jurisdiction of occurrence.

Firearms Legal Protection uses local attorneys for criminal in civil for members across the country.

Both. The best attorney for the Member will be provided and this may be based on what the incident involves or where the Member lives.
Do you cover expert witnesses? Do I get to choose which expert witnesses I use?

Yes. We believe that the attorney defending you is in the best position to determine whether an expert witness is needed and how that expert will assist you and your case. We can help the local attorney in that process as well. We provide funds for experts in accordance with the membership plan you choose.

Yes, there is protection for members for the cost of expert witnesses if needed, as well as other specialists such as private investigators, ballistics experts, etc. The member and their attorney are free to choose the specialists needed.

We cover 100% of expert witnesses and private investigators as a defense cost. We rely on the attorneys to determine what experts are needed but a member will have input on the decision.

Yes, FLP does cover expert witness fees. The expert witness is chosen by the FLP attorney.

Yes, where appropriate, expert witness and/or investigators are provided per covered incident if a Member has the Bail Bond and Expert Witness coverage. In consultation with their independent program attorney, Members have the ability to choose which expert witness are used.
Do you cover all self-defense uses, regardless of whether a firearm is involved?

Yes. We cover all legal weapons used for self-defense, from frying pans to firearms.

Yes, coverage is for all lawful acts of self-defense.

We cover recognized self defense incidents with any legal weapon of opportunity. A recognized self defense incident is one where the use of deadly force is warranted. The weapon used is irrelevant as long as legal to possess.

Firearms Legal Protection covers all Self Defense uses regardless as long as a legal weapon is used.

Yes, Members are covered for all legal weapons. This could even include a Member's body part if that is what they had to use to defend themselves.
Do you cover defense of someone who is being prosecuted for non-defensive gun violations (magazine laws, assault weapon laws, carrying without a permit, red flag laws)?

Not at all levels of membership.

The USCCA membership would not, as it is specifically designed for acts of self-defense, however the USCCA did start the Foundation in 2011 to help responsible gun owners fight unmeritorious prosecution and unconstitutional administrative actions such as those listed. (More information can be found at

We cover recognized self defense incidents. Not weapons or carry violations. We cover ERPO/Red Flag actions if directly related to a recognized self defense incident. The Ultimate bundled plan has a special benefit of $10k stand along (no underlying self defense claim) ERPO/Red flag coverage.

Firearms Legal Protection covers per contract red flag laws. Firearms Legal Protections does not cover non defensive gun violations.

Civil actions that are brought against a member that are directly related to a red flag issue are eligible for coverage.
If there is a legitimate self defense incident, but there is alcohol involved, is that covered?

Yes. If there is a legitimate self-defense incident, we cover the member, regardless.

The USCCA membership agreement has no exclusions regarding alcohol or other banned substances.

Yes, if not impaired outside of the home.

Firearms Legal Protection will cover a member if the member is not violating the local law of intoxications when they use a weapon while defending themselves or others.

All incidents are reviewed on a case-by-case basis in order to determine coverage, but Members are generally provided coverage for any incident where a legally justified claim of self-defense, defense of a third person, or defense of property is available.
Do you cover people in all 50 states? Am I covered while I am traveling?

Yes. We provide attorneys for members who have an incident in any state, so long as they obtain the membership in a state we are allowed to sell memberships in.

Yes. Members of the USCCA are protected in all 50 states with any plan selected.

We cover members in all states except New Jersey. We are not currently offering memberships in WA, NY (LE memberships only), and NJ. Members are covered anywhere legal to carry their firearm with whatever permit they may have and for legal weapons elsewhere.

Firearms Legal Protection sells memberships in 30 states. FLP will cover members as they travel to ALL 50 states.

With the optional Multi-State coverage, Members are covered in all 50 states including Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico.
Do you cover hunting related violations?

We cover self-defense situations regardless of where they occur and do not discriminate on location.

Hunting related violations are not covered, unless it were an act of self defense.

No, recognized self defense incidents only.

Firearms Legal Protection does not cover hunting related violations.

With the optional HunterShield coverage, Members are covered for hunting-related violations.
Who qualifies as a "family" for your family policies?

Great question. A family membership includes two adults living together in the same home and any children that are under age eighteen (18) living with those two adults.

Any level of USCCA membership automatically protects the covered member listed, as well as their spouse, relatives or any persons under the age of 21 that are in the care of the member, so long as they live at the member's residence. The protection only extends to the member's residence. Spouses can be added to have protection in all 50 states for a reduced membership rate.

Spouses and minor children are covered in the home for incidents occurring in the home at no extra. We consider a spouse anyone who is living in a cohabitating domestic relationship

Firearms Legal Protection considers family any minor children (17 and under) that live with the member. Also, any legally married spouse would qualify as a family member.

A Primary Member can add on a Secondary Member – who is any adult living in the same household. A Member can also add the optional Minor Children Coverage which covers all minors living in the household.
Do you include provisions for legally married same sex couples?

We believe everyone has a right to defend themselves from violence; regardless of sex, gender, marital situation, color, creed, religion or any other societal discriminator. Any couple can become members under our family plan and if you are lawful defending yourself, you are covered.

Spouse protections and memberships are honored for same sex couples so long as it is legally recognized in the state in which the members reside.

Yes, we consider a spouse anyone who is living in a cohabitating domestic relationship.

Firearms Legal Protection does recognize all married couples, including same sex couples.

Absolutely. A Member may choose to add any person as their Secondary Member to their membership, regardless of the relationship, as long as both individuals live in the same household.
What is your biggest advantage over your competitors?

See all the questions above. We have attorneys answer the phone 24/7/365 who are competent and qualified. We cover situations regardless of whether there is family violence (our competitors exclude family violence). In addition to the emergency hotline number, we encourage communication with our senior attorneys and prove their cell phones as well.

We designed our membership to be extremely comprehensive, while also being easy to understand. There is no need to concern about additional add-ons or a multitude of plan offerings, leaving you wondering if you do or don't have protection. Having freedom of choice is also one of the biggest advantages of being a member of the USCCA as it puts the member in complete control as they go through a criminal trial, from choosing their attorney, specialists and experts, etc, all paid by the membership with up-front funding. If it's your life and freedom at stake, no one else should make those decisions for you.

No limits on defense costs. Highest bond coverage. Critical Response Team (including attorney) with a "Boots on the Ground" by former homicide detectives that work for you; not just a manager or claims rep. And experience. Most of our core employees are former LE who have been involved in use of force incidents. We are the only company that has successfully defended a member charged with murder from incident through trial.

Firearms Legal Protection has a hotline that is answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by a criminal defense attorney. The call is not recorded and it is covered by attorney/client privilege. Whatever is said cannot be shared with police or investigating agencies. Firearms Legal Protection is the only company that provides coverage RED FLAG within its written contract.

Every member has access to program attorneys in their state when they need them most. The non-emergency line allows members to reach out to attorneys for any questions related to self-defense or firearms law whenever they need help. The emergency line gives members access to program attorneys 24/7 365. You can call the number at 3am on Christmas morning and an attorney is answering the phone and helping you navigate the scenario you find yourself in. From there on we represent you criminal and civil all the way through your case whether it takes a day, a month, or a year. Members will NEVER pay a dollar out of pocket for their attorney's fees regardless of their case. Also, US Law Shield covers all members through their appeals process. Furthermore, we proudly represent all law enforcement officers, on and off duty, for self-defense incidents.
Is there anything else you want to share about your company?

Yes. We are veteran owned. We are attorney owned. We have a wealth of legal experience. Our attorneys have extensive experience. We are large enough to handle any case and personable enough to talk to our members addressing any issue.

Having the protection for the aftermath of a self-defense incident is one thing, but having the knowledge and training to either avoid it in the first place or respond appropriately if you can't is another. That's why USCCA membership comes with tons of education and training for the responsibly armed American. You get access to an online dashboard and the USCCA app with videos, guides, articles and blogs, a reciprocity map that keeps you up to date on state laws as you travel and a subscription to our nationally awarded Concealed Carry Magazine.

We are the only company in the industry to have defended a murder charge. We have 35 years of self-defense trial experience.

Firearms Legal Protection has been representing members who have used lethal force to protect themselves (and others) from imminent fear of death, great bodily harm, and forcible felonies. Firearms Legal Protection has a long standing reputation of excellent customer service for a reasonable price.

U.S. LawShield believes in leading through education. By providing our members and communities with resources to gain knowledge in the law we feel we can better serve our members by preparing them to handle self defense scenarios and the aftermath that follows. U.S. Law Shield provides state specific workshops, in-person and online, as well as a variety of other resources to allow members and non-members alike to stay up to date on the law. Our members feel confident that they understand their rights as well as the potential consequences of a self-defense incident.

Attend a class or sign up on-line. If you live near a range or gun store, we are happy to schedule a class in your area if we don’t already have one scheduled. We like our members to attend classes and get as educated as possible on the rights a firearm owner and citizen of this country has.

For a membership discount, call or email Adam Bendas at 619.663.4858 /

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For a membership discount, call Frank at (215) 498-8013 or visit