A Small Victory

A Small Victory

My football coach used to say that if you get to the end zone, act like you’ve been there before.  He meant don’t go nuts celebrating just a touchdown.  Last week gun owners in California had a small victory and we overreacted a bit.  The Department of Justice (DOJ) retracted their “emergency” regulations.  The celebration caused some confusion so I want to clear some things up.
The magazine ban (Prop 63) regulations from the DOJ were released and this week the Assault Weapon Ban expansion (SB880) regulations were released.  The regulations are the specifics of how each law will be implemented.  The weekend before Christmas the DOJ put out “emergency” regulations giving specifics on how normal capacity magazines will be banned.  They called it an “emergency” to try and get around the normal procedure and shorten the amount of time the public can provide comments.  SDCGO and all the other groups sent official feedback.  You can read our letter by clicking HERE.
The good news is that the regulations were pulled.  The bad news is this was just a speed-bump.  Many saw the celebrating of the victory and thought it meant the magazine ban was reversed.  This is not true.  All the victory does is gives more time before regulations are finalized so there is more opportunity to change the regulations.
Over the New Years Eve weekend the DOJ made public the regulations for the Assault Weapon ban.  They did not call it an emergency so it will take longer to finalize.  The proposal is NOT final.  There is a lot of work being done to help make the horrible regulations less horrible.
So what did the regs say?
-Only guns with a Bullet Button can be registered as an assault weapon
-Bullet Buttons must stay on the gun even after they are registered
-The firearms must have been built and functional before Jan 1, 2017 to register it.  (Not just possessed, but completed)
-Picture of the gun must be submitted with the assault weapon application as proof of the Bullet Button.
Again, these regulations are NOT finalized.  Do not make any plans or decisions based on these regulations because the regulations may change significantly before they are final.
Again, do not make a decision on registering your firearms based on this information.  It is best to wait until the regulations are finalized.  We are working on a form letter and information so you can help us provide feedback to the DOJ.  Please stay tuned for our form letter and please listen to Gun Sports Radio for more specifics.

What Do We Have In Store For 2017?

I am very proud to say that we ended our first full year with 431 Annual Members and 101 10 Ring Club Members!  Expanding our membership so that we have the clout and financial support we need to continue to do the important work we do will be a focus for us.
While continuing to vet elected officials and engage with media, here is a partial list of what SDCGO will work on in 2017:
-Launch our “Shop Local” campaign to help get our local gun shops to be your first choice when buying firearms, ammo, accessories, or training.  This helps all of us.
-Assist with getting the Police Chiefs to issue CCWs in Oceanside, Escondido, El Cajon, and La Mesa
-Help each of our 500+ members to sign up two of their friends as members of SDCGO
-Work with leaders and media to hold Sheriff Gore accountable for his decision to not issue CCWs to those who qualify under the state’s prerequisites
-Give 1,000 San Diegans who have never shot a gun before a first-time experience with a mentor
-Have an even more successful Second Amendment dinner! (Already in the works so stay tuned for the announcement!)
-Open Orange County Gun Owners and Ventura County Gun Owners using our template for effective local Second Amendment activism
-Host a monthly meeting in north, central, and south county to build out our City Council and Gun Shop liaison program
-Identify candidates who will stand up for our rights  to run for local offices in 2018 and raise the money to support their run
We are planning many more events and activities to bring the Second Amendment community together in San Diego.  The best way to help us restore and protect our Second Amendment rights is to:
  1. Become an SDCGO member
  2. Recruit your friends to join too
  3. Volunteer to help us
  4. Attend our events and bring a friend
  5. Attend our monthly meetings (locations to be announced)
  6. Become a mentor to help us train new shooters
Happy New Year to you all!  Thank you so much for being a part of our success.
Questions About the New Horrible Gun Laws?
We hate the laws too and we will continue to fight them by getting people elected who will reverse them.  In the mean time, as romantic and passionate the idea of not complying is, it will cost you $50,000 in legal fees, probably some jail time, and the lose of your gun rights.
To help SDCGO came up with two things:
Check out out homepage for a timeline of when the laws take effect or click here to download the timeline.
Check out this video we made with Ryan from Gunfighter Tactical talking about what you can buy and how in 2017.
Featureless AR - ARmagLock - Featureless AK - AR Pistol - CA Gun Laws
Featureless AR – ARmagLock – Featureless AK – AR Pistol – CA Gun Laws




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