
Lawsuits are an important part of protecting and restoring your Second Amendment rights. San Diego, Orange, and Inland Empire are doing our part! We have partnered with the national Second Amendment group Firearms Policy Coalition to help us take the battle to the courtroom. Check out our lawsuits and briefs below!
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But what do all the legal terms mean?
We get it! It’s really easy to get lost in all the legalese. That’s why we put together the “Legal Terms in Plain Terms” guide for normal folks.
Nguyen v. Bonta: Challenge to California’s ‘1-in-30’ Firearm Purchase Ban
Chavez v. Bonta: Challenge to 18-20 age-based ban
Miller v. Bonta: Challenge to California’s Assault Weapons Ban
Renna v. Bonta: Challenge to California’s Handgun Roster & Self-Manufacturing Bans
Fahr v. San Diego: Challenge to City of San Diego’s ban on 80% kits
Barba v. Bonta: FPC 2A Lawsuit to Protect Gun Owners’ Privacy (formerly Brandeis v. Bonta)
Richard V. Bonta: FPC Law Challenge to CA 10-day firearm waiting period
Carralero v. Bonta: FPC Law 2A Challenge to California Public Carry Bans
Young v. State of Hawaii: San Diego County Gun Owners Amicus Brief re right to self defense
NYSRPA v. Bruen: Coalition of Firearm and Knife Rights Organizations File Supreme Court Brief in Support of Right to Bear Arms
Duncan v. Bonta: San Diego County Gun Owners Amicus Brief re magazine capacity limit
Bianchi v. Frosh: San Diego County Gun Owners Amicus Brief re ban on “assault weapons”